

Here is a quick list of the main elements in my workflow :

Type Name
OS : EndeavourOS
DE : KDE Plasma
Music : musikcube
Browser : LibreWolf
IDE : VSCodium


If you have some knowledge about IT, you’ll notice that I use a system based on Linux, but if that name doesn’t mean anything to you, I recommend you take a look at this page.

It has been since January 2023 that I almost exclusively use Linux on my computer, and I can’t remember the last time I used my dual-boot of Windows so I consider that I’ve completely switched to it.

Before having Linux as a daily-driver on my system, I, like most, used Windows, and I can’t say that I’ve had a bad experience with it. I think that I could call myself a power user at the time, as I almost knew every trick that existed to get something to work better, or the means to fix some obscure problem. Anyway, I knew my way around.

Around the end of 2022, I started to have greater interest in cybersecurity, and on a more personal level, privacy became a subject of concern. I can’t say that I was very pleased with having big organisations control personal and sensitive data, but I think that I felt a need to distance myself from invasive tools to feel comfortable using my devices.

<- smedje

IT enthusiast, loves to study subjects that don’t have much to do with each other

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Page Description :

Details about my system

Page Creation Date: 2023-11-26

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