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No Dark Theme ?

In the early stages of the website, I used to publish it with a dark theme by default, because I thought it looked quite good and it was in line with the other websites using the ‘risotto’ theme.

However, over time and as I experimented with new themes, I found that using a lighter theme provided better readability (at least for me, as I always set my screens to minimum brightness and tend to let in natural light when it’s available), and that it made my project a little bit more welcoming to people not accustomed to ’terminal ricing’ or hacker culture.

This website is more of a personal project than something intended to be shown to lots of people, which is why I’m keeping the philosophy of making something that I like, but it can also be interesting to let people discover what you like to do in your spare time, so I’m trying to maintain this website as browsable as possible, which is one of my motivations for using a light theme.

Apart from the philosophical nonsense I expressed above, there’s also a second very silly reason for not providing a dark theme, which is a skill issue and laziness in implementing cookies and a switch to toggle between the two themes. K.I.S.S. principle, I guess.

<- smedje

IT enthusiast, loves to study subjects that don’t have much to do with each other

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