
Alright, so this is the place where I’ll write about music, and more specifically my relation to music.

I also plan to use this section as a way to understand better the kinds of music that I tend to like, since I always find it hard to define that.

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Genres, and what I like

When I get asked what genre of music I listen to, I systematically have a moment of lag where I’m not sure of how I should summarize my tastes in a few defined categories. It reminds me of a friend that often tells me : "Le concept de genre c'est vraiment de la m*rde" / "The concept of music genre is really sh*tty", suggesting that music shouldn’t be categorized, but rather that every work should be recognized as a singular element in itself, or at least linked to other works that have inspired it. Of course he balances that by saying that it is a necessary evil, because it allows for easier discovery of new works with common features.

Needless to say, there are genres that I tend to listen more than others, but as one genre encapsulates a broad selection of works, it’s hard for me to say that I “like” a certain genre, because it would mean that I would supposedly like any work of the genre, which is obviously not the case.

Enough of theory ! According to my listening stats, the genres that I listen the most are Metal and K-POP. I think that there are multiple yet simple explanations for this result :


I feel that metal and k-pop tend to evolve in a singular way. I do not claim that other genres do not evolve, but their way of evolving simply does not correspond to what I seek in music. To me, sound design is what makes a work stand out from others, and I know that this condition is somewhat determined. Since I got into computer assisted music production (circa 2021), I started to appreciate the effort put into creating a specific sound, or an effect chain that produces an interesting result.

K-pop, while being very commercial, has the advantage of having talentuous and especially experimental music producers, if I may, compared to pop. Of course, there are lots of k-pop songs (if not the grand majority of them) that are as formatted as other commercial genres, so I would completely understand if one did not get my point of view, but what I mean is that there is a subset in the genre that focuses exclusively in producing unexpected structures/sounds… you get my point. If you’re familiar with the k-pop community, you might know that the term “noise music” is often (wrongfully) used to describe what I’m trying to explain. If I don’t like using the term “noise music” like that, it’s because it just encompasses any kind of music that isn’t “radio-friendly, as k-pop is still a normie genre and most of the fans seem to lack culture, or at least curiosity towards minor genres.

<- smedje

IT enthusiast, loves to study subjects that don’t have much to do with each other

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Homepage for content about music